Randal, plain and simple

GoSpeak: Which is more accurate, GPS or the Bible?



Vicki, according to all reports, had a tremendous message Saturday, July 27, for the ladies meet in São Vicente, just over two hours away from here. Her topic was based on the first part of Hebrews 12.

She drove our car, and four ladies went with her: three from the congregation and the lady she’s been studying with for conversion. About 60 women were present from a good number of congregations.

On the way back, they got lost and kept me worrying if they’d driven off the mountain cliff. Maybe the GPS was not a hundred percent accurate, but the Bible is!


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Vicki has studied three times with Elisete, a lady who lives in the next neighborhood over. She started in Paulo’s gym, and he talked to her about Christ. We’ve been picking her up for church on Sunday mornings. She also went with Vicki July 27 to São Vicente.

I translated and published in PDF format Ed Mathews’s book, Local Evangelism. (See cover below.) Soon, a new printer will put it in physical book form.

BIBLE READING GROUP. August is the third month for a group Bible reading effort that happened almost by chance. The first month the group read the book of Psalms; the second, the book of Proverbs. In August we’re reading the writings of John. Vicki has a WhatsApp group of 27 women who are encouraging one another.

I preached in SJCampos July 14. My H20 sermon seemed to go over well. Part of the sermon dealt with three necessary elements for salvation: honesty, humility, and obedience.

I had an article published in “Amo Jesus,” a monthly publication for the Guarulhos congregations. The month’s theme was Foundations of the Faith; my topic was to relate the church to the Kingdom of God. Read the English translation, “Church and Kingdom.


  • Ricardo and Marilia’s son Mateus was baptized July 25 in Taubaté. We’re close to them; I studied with Mateus a couple of years ago. On our way there we narrowly missed being involved in an auto accident on the highway.
  • Two babies have been born to SJCampos families: first, Rafaela to Bruno and Fernanda; then, Zion to Fabio and Ritiele.
  • Vicki and I celebrated 45 years of marriage on Aug. 3.
  • Son Micah has set up to study with a neighbor twice in Huntsville AL. Pray that will work out.


  • Vicki will speak at a ladies event in Ribeirão Preto Aug. 17. I’ll drive her the 5+ hours to the city in the northern part of the state.
  • Sept. 28: I’ll teach a marriage seminar in the congregation in the Jardim Presidente Dutra neighborhood, in the city of Guarulhos. It’s about an hour from here. A good part of my material will come from “The Words of the Faith.”
  • Oct. 12: I’ll teach “The Words of the Faith” in the Contagem congregation in Minas Gerais state.

Vicki’s speaking engagement for September has been postponed.


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