Randal, plain and simple

You are not alone

I wrote this 2003-01-10 for my UPLift ezine.

You Are Not Alone

The last few days I've been corresponding with a lady in Portugal who is undergoing chemotherapy after a mastectomy. She appears to be afraid of opening up to others and feels terribly alone.

Today I wrote her again.

“I’m glad my words helped to cheer you a little. Please know that I'm praying for you, that the Lord may give you strength and courage. The worst cancer is that which invades our mind, is it not? I know, because I have to fight a lot to maintain gratitude, joy, and peace. Some years ago I went through a depression, and the fight is constant to be a person who trusts in the Lord and rejoices in all that he offers me.”

Maybe you feel alone today, or sad, or afraid of sharing your load with someone.

The best I can tell you, as I told this good lady, is that you are not alone.

Randal Matheny

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